Hello everyone!

In my last post, I highlighted a film I enjoyed recently called “Bought”. In that film, they briefly mentioned a topic I’ve recently begun to study.

This involves the insidious practice of spraying glyphosate (Round-Up) on wheat fields (and other crops) at harvest time to kill weeds and improve harvest yields. At some point when I have the time, I will post an in-depth blog regarding this. However, for now, I wanted to briefly link to some articles and videos where you can learn more about it yourself. It has been practiced for over 20 years in both the U.S. and U.K. as discussed here and here.

The official Round-Up application guide for Canada advocates its usage on wheat, barley, oats, flax, canola, peas, dry beans, soybeans and lentils. That guide is found here.

Though there is some doubt as to how toxic it is, with widely varying views (see here, here, here, here and here). Some in vitro (test tube) studies have shown a detrimental effect on beneficial bacteria in the gut of chickens (here) and cows (here and here). The jury is still out for humans, although it should be noted that the predominant type of bacteria in our guts are soil-based organisms, the same type negatively affected in the above studies.

For the time being, be AWARE of what is going into your food and which things are going into it. If you are convinced of the danger, avoid those foods that are “round-up ready” or heavily sprayed (commercial corn, soy, wheat, canola, peas, dry beans, cane and beet sugar) and choose organic alternatives.

In the future, I will delve into this more deeply. Questions or comments? Sound off below!


To your health,
