While many diet and lifestyle interventions can help lower blood pressure, increasing evidence is finding that a lowly mineral can significantly improve blood pressure and kidney function.

Researchers analyzed zinc levels in mice with or without hypertension, and those who had zinc deficiency were much more likely to have high blood pressure than those with normal zinc levels. Additionally, when they supplemented zinc back to normal levels in hypertensive rats, their blood pressure dropped towards normal levels.

Though zinc and blood pressure have been correlated in the past, this was the first study to show a direct link between zinc deficiency and blood pressure. The researchers determined that zinc affects blood pressure through regulating how the kidneys handle sodium, and shows much promise for addressing one simple factor in those with hypertension.

Zinc deficiency is still prevalent worldwide and as high as 45% of Americans are at risk of inadequate zinc intake. Consequently, this is potentially a crucial overlooked factor in hypertension. Because zinc is so vital for everything from wound healing, sexual health, sperm levels, reproductive hormone levels, skin, cellular function, liver health and more–making sure your zinc levels are adequate is crucial to support your health!

Take home message: GET PLENTY OF ZINC – your body will thank you, and you might enjoy healthier blood pressure as well!

Great source of zinc include pumpkin seeds, oysters, beef, lamb, sunflower seeds, beans, lentils and sesame seeds. See the numbers here.

If you need more guidance lowering blood pressure through proven methods such as the DASH diet, targeted nutrients, exercise, stress reduction, or lifestyle interventions, call or email Path of Life Nutrition for a a free info session.