Gluten Sensitivity? Maybe Not.

If you get pain, discomfort, bloating, or other GI symptoms from eating bread, pasta and other wheat products, you may have concluded you have a gluten sensitivity.

But new research suggests that may be dead wrong. Researchers studied those who had what was considered “Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity” or NCGS and found that 4 of 5 people who reacted poorly to eating wheat and gluten-containing foods were NOT sensitive to gluten when tested using food sensitivity tests.

They instead found that a particular carbohydrate in wheat, called fructan may actually be responsible for >80% of those who react to gluten foods. In these people, symptoms ranging from gas to diarrhea, bloating, constipation, heartburn, and IBS may be suffering from a fructan intolerance akin to something like lactose intolerance (a carbohydrate found in milk).

The answer? In the short term, avoid FRUCTAN foods such as wheat, onion, garlic, barley, rye, raisins & even watermelon! For long term answers however, contact us at Path of Life Nutrition to guide you through a gut rebuilding program to replenish & refresh your gut to a healthy level!

To read more about the research regarding fructans & gluten, check out this informative article!