While most people have heard that activity like walking can improve blood sugar levels after a meal, there is new evidence showing that targeted training that includes weight lifting or resistance training can have a SIGNIFICANT benefit on lowering blood sugar for those with prediabetes.

This new study measured risk of developing diabetes in adults aged 55-75 who engaged in 60 minutes of activity 3 days a week for two years. They found that:

  • Adults who engaged in aerobic activity (running, biking, jogging) reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 62%
  • Those who did strength training reduced risk by 72%
  • And adults who combined aerobics and strength training together had a whopping 76% decrease in diabetes risk

When looking at overall incidence after the study, the rates were different but similar w/overall incidence falling by 21% in the combo group, 26% in the aerobics group and 22% in the strength training group.

Take home message: This confirms what we know, which is exercise is HUGE for both treating and preventing diabetes in people of all ages! But this adds a comforting bonus – showing that for those who can’t necessarily go for a run or a jog, can still get similar and significant benefit by just doing weight lifting and strength training – even into their 70s!

That’s good news – so if your doctor has cleared you to use your muscles, get out there and lift some weight – your pancreas will thank you!

If you want to know how diet can help you manage your blood sugar and reduce your diabetes risk by >50%, give us a call and we would love to help you conquer your blood sugar and kick diabetes back to the curb!